Fiction Narrative Feature Film
Original Title: A Minha Casinha
Logline: In a small Portuguese town, a family is turned upside down when their son leaves to study in London. Over a year, we see a daughter's coming of age, a father's mid-life crisis, a son's emancipation and a mother coping with an "empty nest".
Genre: Family Drama / Coming-of-Age
Status: Theatrically Released
Production Companies: Movie Monkeys, Kurious Studios, Sequeira & Vorotniuk & Caracol Studios
Country: UK & Portugal
Language: Portuguese & English
Runtime: 114 min.
Written & Directed by: Antonio Sequeira
Cast: Beatriz Frazão, Elsa Valentim, Miguel Frazão, Salvador Gil, Sara Barradas, Ricardo de Sá, Krupa Givane
In a small Portuguese town, a family's dynamic is thrown into turmoil when their son leaves to study in London. Focusing only on the school breaks when he comes back home (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn), we observe snapshots of a daughter’s coming of age, a father's mid-life crisis, a son’s emancipation and a mother learning to cope with an "empty nest”. 'Autumn’ is an intimate, heartwarming and nuanced portrayal of family relationships, offering a poignant reflection on how we all often struggle to move on, grow up and grow old.
Financial Support of:
Baião City Council, Portugal
Electric Theatre Collective
Pulsar Studios
Programming, Sales & press Enquiries:
Latest News:
21.03.24 – 'AUTUMN' will have its Asian Premiere at the inaugural Ho Chi Minh City Film Festival, alongside Hirokazu Kore-Eda and Wim Wenders.
16.12.23 – 'AUTUMN', titled in Portugal "A Minha Casinha", has its Portuguese theatrical release.
07.11.23 – 'AUTUMN' wins the coveted "Audience Award" at the Austin Film Festival
31.8.23 – 'AUTUMN' will have its world premiere at the Austin Film Festival, alongside films like "American Fiction", "Saltburn", "The Bikeriders", etc.
20.5.23 – 'AUTUMN' alongside director Antonio Sequeira was invited to a work in progress screening at the prestigious Goes to Cannes showcase at the Marche Du Film for original work in progress feature films.